Friday, 28 March 2014

Raja Ampat, West Papua

Raja Ampat - Gam Island, Kri Island, West Papua, Indonesia 

It's my birthday and I can't think of a better way to spend it. An early start today, we woke early at 430am to get off on Gam Island and see the bird of paradise. It was really cool to be arriving here in the dark, disembarking the zodiac with our headlamps on walking through the village with the local people standing outside their houses looking at us. So quiet, with the birds chirping and whispers as we passed. To reach the tree where these birds are known to be we hike for about 45 minutes up a fairly steep trail, the humidity is at 100% and I'm completely sopping wet in sweat. There are about 8 or so birds of paradise up at the top of the tree, the males displaying their dance, shaking their booties to attract the females. These birds are known to be the prettiest on the planet are it's truly awesome to have seen them.
The village is so pretty and clean, wandering through and getting a glimpse into these peoples lives, dogs running around, they were just as inquisitive to us as the people which was strange. 
We stopped at the school and the children all sang a song for us, so we all sang "Row Row Row Your Boat" for them. At the end Zegrahm presented the school with a big bag of supplies, the children were in amazement as Shirley showed all the contents. 
Two snorkels sites this afternoon, the diversity of corals and fish is incredible! It's cool to be in one spot where the water is totally calm and then go to another and the current just pulls you along the reef. 
One of the things I'm loving about this trip is the quality of the guides, to have them in the water with us pointing out everything we're looking at makes such a difference, they are just as excited to be here as we are, if not more. They are also very encouraging that we try free diving, going down and holding your breath so you can go lower and see more. Giving us lessons and tips to get better, watching us and critiquing. These things make all the difference than just plumping in the water and looking around. 
Birthday party celebrations tonight, dinner with 89 year young 'Beanie' onboard, her zest for life is inspiring. Party in the lounge dancing a singing, what a truly memorable birthday here is the Raja Ampat.

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